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January 19, 2010


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Janet Guy-Hamilton

I am SO interested in a kit for the 12 block " Turning Twenty" quilt. I LOVE it!
Please email me at [email protected] and let me know what I need to do
Thanks, Janet

elva farrell

do you have any of the signature fabrics left? I am interested in any of the collection.

Donna and Garry Francis

Hey Elva!

Thank you for your inquiry!

I am sorry but I do not have any of the Simplicity Collection left.

Please let me know if I can help you in any other way.

You can see some of what I have in my Store Front at www.donnasintheattic.com.


Marilyn Sudduth

Do you still have any yardage left in the Simplicity patterns and is it still $4.99?

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