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September 09, 2010


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where can I buy this !!???
[email protected]

Donna and Garry Francis

Hi Robin! Thank you for your inquiry! You can purchase this collection here ~ http://www.donnasintheattic.com/store/2142634/category/33248122

I also have a couple of cream prints available in my Shoppethat are not shown. Just let me knowif youmight beinterested in them and I will get them listed.

Please let me know if I can help you in any other way!

Thank you again!



I love the cocoa fabric with the words. I am re doing my bedroom and want to use brown with a bright, vivid turquoise. Looking at the pic above, it looks like I might could use this for a dust ruffle , use an off white/cream duvet cover and then use the bright pops of turquoise as an accent color...and it would blend. What do you think? It is hard to judge colors on the internet.

Donna and Garry Francis

Hey Julie! Thank you for your inquiry! I am sorry but I do not have any of that collection left. Please let me know if I can help you in any other way. Donna


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